Family law is an aspect of the legal profession that is intensely personal. While inexperienced lawyers struggle with the court procedures and complexities of property division and child custody issues, the client’s emotional concerns are often forgotten.
This firm offers more than 50 years of combined experience in all areas of family law. Whether you need help with a divorce, child custody, time sharing, child support or alimony, our team of talented professionals are ready to help you achieve your goals.
Our firm can help individuals with their high-asset divorce or a divorce involving family-owned businesses, as well as, fight for or against post-judgment modifications. We provide honest counsel, and we will be by your side until your family law matter is resolved.
Contact an Orlando family law lawyer at Znosko & Reas, for a different perspective on divorce and family law.
With over 50 years of combined experience, Znosko & Reas has gained a reputation of dedication and commitment in the Orlando, FL area. Our family and divorce attorneys are dedicated to creating genuine partnerships with their clients, in order to help them achieve all of their litigation goals and needs. We understand that tackling family law issues of divorce, custody, and more are extremely tenuous. These issues can weigh heavily on a client’s mental wellbeing, as well as their wallet. We strive to make the process of divorce fast, discreet, and as painless as possible. We are willing to fight for you when you cannot fight for yourself. Our attorneys and paralegals will aid you in the process, helping you understand everything along the way.
At Znosko & Reas, we believe that when you choose one of our attorneys to represent you, you choose our entire team. Creating long-term attorney-client relationships is one of our utmost goals, as it allows our clients to achieve a sense of comfort and trust that they could not find anywhere else. Although we pride ourselves on working hard to reach settlements through mediation, we are also experienced in the court litigation processes. With years of experience, you can trust our family law and divorce attorneys to represent the best interest of you and your family.