After an initial family law case has ended, an individual may discover that a modification to timesharing, child support orders, or child custody orders may need to be made. Modifications of these Court Orders are always made when there is a substantial change in circumstance and according to the best interests of the children. In fact, the interests of the parents are always considered secondary to those of the child. Modifications involving support orders are often highly contested issues. The Courts often demand documentation that provides insight as to why the standing Order should be changed. Under Florida law, child support can only be increased or decreased due to substantial changes in circumstances, including, but not limited to, timesharing, income of the parents, or emancipation of the minor. Changes in the income of the former spouse can also affect the size and frequency of alimony/spousal support payments. Znosko & Reas is dedicated to confidently handling modifications and other family law matters. We strive to help clients understand their rights and options regarding modifications.
At Znosko & Reas, we can help gather all of the necessary documentation in support of, or opposing these modification requests. We provide guidance and assistance to new clients throughout the State of Florida, as well as, those clients whom we have previously represented. A free initial consultation and flexible appointment times are available for your convenience. Simply click on the contact link to obtain more information on scheduling your consultation today.
Our firm offers more than 50 years of combined experience in all areas of family law. Whether you need help with a divorce, child custody, time sharing, child support or alimony, our team of talented professionals are ready to help you achieve your goals.