Whether they are involved in a divorce or not, parents constantly think about their children. For all parents, the safety and health of their children is their first priority, and this is no different during a divorce. The biggest priority for parents undergoing the process of divorce is usually the issue of child custody, also known as time-sharing under Florida divorce law. Child timesharing has many aspects, all of which are familiar to the attorneys at Znosko & Reas family law firm.
Among these aspects, there are shared parental responsibility/equal timesharing, sole parental responsibility/timesharing, timesharing and parental responsibility evaluations, and even modifications. Our attorneys provide expertise, advice, and skillful representation for you in the event of outlining parental responsibility and timesharing terms. We can help you whether you are pursuing timesharing in the context of divorce, or any other context. We will provide you with all the information and guidance you need to make educated decisions regarding your case.
Our attorneys know that nobody can make better decisions for your children than you. We encourage all parents to come to mutual agreements and settlements through collaboration and mediation, but we know that this is not always possible. Trials can be extremely expensive and time consuming, and do not always represent the wishes of both parents. In the event that an agreement cannot be reached, a decision will be mandated by a court through trial. This decision will be official, and the parents will have to follow it. If this is the case, our attorneys are extremely skilled at presenting their client’s wishes and arguments in court, in order to make sure they and their children’s best interests are fully represented.
To establish timesharing outlines and parental responsibilities, the court will determine the residence of the child or children, the type of contact that is appropriate (if any), what the schedule for contact will be, and whether or not decisions will be shared.
Though some clients may want to receive sole timesharing, Florida courts generally do not grant such a condition unless there are extenuating circumstanced such as abuse or instability. Most likely, shared parental responsibility will most likely be ordered, however this is not the same as joint custody. The divorce attorneys at Znosko & Reas can help you understand how all the factors involved with timesharing and parental responsibility will affect your case, as well as your family. If you choose us to represent you in your case, we will fight to help you reach your goals for the end result. We know that your children are of the utmost importance, and that having a fitting timesharing/parental responsibility plan is the most beneficial for their mental health and emotional wellbeing.
We are ready to provide guidance and assistance to new clients, as well as those we have previously represented. We offer a free initial consultation, as well as accommodating appointment times for the convenience of all our clients. To schedule a consultation, call our office or submit a request through our convenient online submission form.